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10 Classic Romance Books to Read This Valentine’s Day

How about a good ol’ cuppa of hot chocolate and some cute snuggles this Valentine’s Day? Nah, I don’t mean to be naughty, I mean how about grabbing some true self-love this season and retiring with a book as the day unwinds itself to the beauty of the moon? Umm, never mind I am all mushy coz here are 10 Classic Romance books to read this Valentine’s Day

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Triansh & the Land of Immortals | Myst | Book Review

Picture this: you are on one of the highest peaks in the world and suddenly you get surrounded by fog. No way out, you are sure you are going to perish in it. Imagine a little blue man coming and saving your neck and you be like, now isn’t that Jaadu? Triansh & the Land of Immortals, a sci-fi tale by Myst is such a story that takes you on a thrilling ride into a realm of such fantastic sci-fi

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Neuralink: Human Trials Begin—A Look at the Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces

Picture this paralyzed person being able to do whatever he wants to. And that too, without depending on another being? Independently. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Or rather sounds fantastic right? Nah, this is happening as you read this: Telepathy controlling our devices and enabling us to do all with just the power of our thoughts and minds! Neuralink: Human Trials Begin—A Look at the Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces

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5 Best Japanese Literary Novels to Keep You Hooked

Ever given a thought to why Japanese literature is so popular? Well, I guess since it tends to be more emotional and subjective than intellectual and thus appeals strongly to a more universal audience at large rather than a niche group of people. Hence, today we bring you a slice of this popular form of literature by giving you 5 Best Japanese literary novels to keep you hooked.

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Meeting the Decoder Himself—a Rendezvous With Piyush Kamra, Author of Age of Investing

Do you know the most important field of education? No, it is not science; it is finance! Want to know the secret of proper financial planning, and that too, in a not-so-overwhelming manner? Well, read on to discover some interesting facts about Piyush Kamra, author of Age of Investing and our author in the spotlight today

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