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The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo: A Captivating Locked Room Murder Mystery

A newlywed bride and groom, off to start their new life.
Found murdered on their wedding night! And you know what? No telltale footprints around, the room was bolted from the inside! What would you say to that?
The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo is a crime fiction which is the perfect blend of Locked Room Murder Mystery and Japanese culture

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10 Classic Romance Books to Read This Valentine’s Day

How about a good ol’ cuppa of hot chocolate and some cute snuggles this Valentine’s Day? Nah, I don’t mean to be naughty, I mean how about grabbing some true self-love this season and retiring with a book as the day unwinds itself to the beauty of the moon? Umm, never mind I am all mushy coz here are 10 Classic Romance books to read this Valentine’s Day

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Unveiling the 20 Most Anticipated Reads of 2024: A Bookworm’s Delight

There was the thrilling Yellowface by Rebecca F Kuang on one side, whilst there was the indulging Happy Place by Emily Henry on the other. There was The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros and also Eleanor Catton by Birnam Wood, Booker’s laureates like The Bee Sting, The Prophet Song, Study for Obedience and many other gems. As 2024 is here, we the true bibliophiles cannot keep calm! So, presenting the 20 most anticipated books we cannot wait for in 2024, A Bookworm’s Delight

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Supernatural, Secrets, and Society: A Review of ‘The London Séance Society’ by Sarah Penner

Do you believe in ghosts and spirits? What if I told you there was a way to connect with them and summon them at will? And yet, be prepared; summoning those who have “moved on” might not be a safe idea, peeps! The London Séance Society by Sarah Penner is a horror thriller fiction which will make you question the norms of reality as well as surreal, altering your thoughts about life and death altogether

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